Chelsea Ramona Baldwin was born 5:02 AM on September 18th 2010. She was 6 Lbs 15 oz.
Ya it's been two months since she was born and I just barely got around to Blogging about it, but hey, I've been busy!!!
Ever since she was born she has been such a Daddy's girl! Even in the delivery room when she was getting cleaned up and was screaming, once Chris touched her back she stopped crying and just looked around with big (Steal Grey) eyes.
She has been such a blessing and so much fun!
Chris Blessed her a week later on the Sunday before my Mom and Dad had to go back to Dubai. I had to take-in her Blessing dress a good 2" because she was so small. I barely got it finished the night before the blessing, but it payed off. She looked great!
Esau and Chelsea have been getting along great! At first Esau just ignored her, but now that he realized she's not going away, he likes to be close to her. Especially when Chelsea is on the floor for tummy time or playing under her jungle gym. He's learning to keep his tongue in his mouth when close to Chelsea, and he is a great at telling me when she has a dirty diaper, though Chelsea usually kicks him in the head when he's checking.
It has sure been a blast getting to know Chelsea and her quirks. She rolled over from her tummy to her back for the first time the other day. At first I thought it was a fluke, but after putting her on her tummy four more times with the same result, I figured she knew what she was doing.
She is still a Daddy's girl, Chris can get some of the best smiles out of her, but she does babble to me more. We have the competition going of me trying to get her to say "Momma" first and Chris trying to get her to say "Dada" first. Its kinda' fun, but I'm totally going to win!